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Creative Art - Draw & Paint where to start

Updated: Jun 24, 2021

Curious - Have you ever wanted to draw, paint for fun and not sure where to start? Here are a few ideas:

  • Look through your photographs

  • Select an element to draw - what can you see now?

  • A piece of fruit

  • A ornament

  • Flowers

  • Look online for images

  • Sit in your garden

  • A table or chair

  • A leafy tree

  • Feather

  • An eye or eyebrow

  • Faces

Creative Tasks Lets take the first idea looking through your photographs. One of my hobbies is to walk and take photographs of the things that interest me along the way. It can be anything from flowers in a garden, a scenic view, animals and birds, architectural buildings whatever you like. Now that we are staying home and staying safe look back through your pictures for inspiration and ideas. I came across a photo I had taken of Cannon Hall church window.

The great thing is it doesn't matter if your drawing is perfect, the aim is to draw your own unique style. Adapt the picture and draw the parts you like. It's the pleasure that you get from having a go that matters the most.

A piece of fruit


Using pencil crayons to sketch a feather with gentle strokes build up the colour.

Great advice from my art tutor just to have a go, if you dont like a sketch rub it out or draw again. "Sometimes mistakes can turn into happy mistakes on the final picture" and this has been proven to us all many times. Creative art for all ages and abilities - Let’s share the beauty of creativity

Copyright © 2020, Creative Wellness Journey

Debbie Crouch

March 2020

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21 sept 2021

Aweesome blog you have here

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Debbie Crouch
Debbie Crouch
21 sept 2021
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Thank you 😊

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