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Creative Writing - A poem that reflects the times in 2020

IN THE TIME OF QUIET', PHILIPPA ATKIN No one’s told the daffodils about the pause to Spring And no one’s told the birds to roost and asked them not to sing No one’s asked the lazy bee to cease his bumbling round And no one’s stopped the bright green shoots emerging through the ground.

No one’s told the sap to rest, deep within the wood And stop the sleepy trees from waking, wreathed about in bud No one’s told the sky to douse its brightest shades of blue And stop the scudding clouds from puffing headlong into view. No one’s asked the lambs to still the springs beneath their feet, To stop their rapid rush and quell each joyful bleat No one’s told the stream to halt its gurgle or its flow And warned the playful breezes, not to gust and blow.

No one’s asked the raindrops not to fall upon the earth And fail to quench the soil in the season of rebirth No one’s locked the sun down, or dimmed the shimmer of the moon And even in the darkest night, the stars are still immune.

Remember what you value, remember who is dear Close the doors to danger and keep your family near In the quiet all around us take the time to sit and stare And wonder at the beauty unfurling everywhere.

Look towards the future, after the ordeal And keep faith in Mother Nature’s power and will to heal.

Poem by Philippa Atkin

Copyright © 2020, Creative Wellness Journey

Debbie Crouch

April 2020

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