Achievements & Qualifications for Creative Wellness - 2021
Studying can be a positive and enjoyable experience. It can help to build confidence, increase your skills and improve your mental health.
When my own mental health was at its worst and and my brain malfunctioning over two years ago I honestly thought I would never be able to study again.
Now I am on my journey to pursuing the success of Creative Wellness Journey CIC I now feel able to embrace my learning journey and here I will capture my achievements in 2021.
Recovery Coach Academy
In collaboration with Recovery Coach Academy I am proud and privileged to be attending their courses in 2021 and look forward to the exciting future ahead.
The CCAR Recovery Coach Academy© is a 5-day intensive training academy focusing on providing individuals with the skills need to guide, mentor and support anyone who would like to enter into or sustain long-term recovery from an addiction to alcohol or other drugs and also encompases mental wellness.
"Recovery Coaching has truly impacted our lives and we have seen the positive impact it has had in recovery communities; to me Recovery Coaching is where my head and heart met, and I knew I could make a difference.”
- Naetha
On the last day of training, we had everyone write a positive affirmation for each person attending the course and this is what they wrote to you!
Spirituality for Recovery Coaching Online
The purpose of this program is to help you as a recovery coach understand what spirituality is and how you would help someone in their own process of discovering spirituality in a way that is accepting of others.
Copyright © 2021, Creative Wellness Journey
Debbie Crouch