What is Self-care?
Self-care is any activity that we do deliberately in order to take care of our mental, emotional, and physical health.
This is something we often forget to do and spend more time looking after others needs.
Sometimes you just need to focus on yourself and let other people solve their own problems.
Support them, encourage them, empathise with them, but know that you don't have to be their hero, and your needs are equally important.
Simply put good self-care is key to improved mood and reduced anxiety.
Recognise the triggers on a bad day?
Bad days happen and thats OK.
One thing I have learned to do is to recognise my triggers that lead towards a bad day or feeling not myself.
Write them down so you can recognise when they happen for me it would be........
Withdraw into myself
Loose my passion to be creative
Tired want to sleep
Not bothered about wearing make up
Tearful and easily emotional
Headache and jaw ache/discomfort
Wellness tools
Through attending WRAP (wellness recovery action plan) and volunteering as a facilitator for Leeds Recovery College one of the most influential things for me was learning about self-care and wellness tools.
When you feel burnt out its time to look after yourself.
At times when you are unwell we loose the thread of our lives.
This is the time for self care and look at wellness tools.
All this is a simple list of things you have done in the past to help yourself stay well.
Here are a few ideas from my list remember we are all different and unique and its finding what works for you:
Go Outside
Deep breaths
Listen to uplifting music
Relaxing mediation
Write in a journal
Be creative
Read a book
Make a coffee and smell the aroma
Wear or smell your favourite perfume/aftershave
Take a nap
Talk to a friend
Eat a healthy snack or favourite treat
Surround yourself with people who are positive
Do something that makes you laugh
Take a warm shower / wash your hair
"When I feel like running or fleeing, it’s time to face my fears with courage".
Although my automatic response is often to run away, numb my feelings, or somehow distract myself, escaping only temporarily relieves anxiety.
Fear will return, possibly in a different form, until you choose to confront it with kindness." ~Carly Hamilton-Jones
Childhood can leave us with a lot of scars and limiting beliefs about our worth.
But it's possible to heal and see ourselves in a new, brighter light.
Remember I am new to this, I can practice, I can build the skill.
Healing with positive thinking and enjoying a New Skill & Hobby
My Creative Wellness Journey is my passion and dream project come to life in March 2020.
It started with learning to be creative in 2019
Embarking on a new skill or hobby is satisfying and invigorating.
Fire up your imagination and explore new ideas.
Being creative gives me all the good stuff that meditation brings.
Improves brain function and boosts immune system.
More importantly it’s “Me” time and immensely therapeutic.
Why not take a look at some of my other blogs:
The everyday joys of life
Strawberries the sweet moments in life
Simple Self Soothing
Let’s share the beauty of creative wellness
Written by Debbie 2020, Creative Journey to Wellness
Copyright © 2023,
Creative art for all ages and abilities. - Let’s share the beauty of creativity